Privacy Policy

Our Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy for Educate & Save Training

We are Educate & Save Training, a company incorporated in England with company number 14124263 and having its registered office at Radley House, Madison Offices, Richardshaw Road, Pudsey, Leeds, West Yorkshire (“we” / “our” / “us“). We are committed to ensuring that your privacy is protected. We will comply with the UK GDPR and any other legislation that is relevant to the ways in which we process your personal data.

This privacy policy provides information about the personal data we process about you, why we process it and how we process it.

The website uses cookies to distinguish you from other users of the website. For detailed information on the cookies we use and the purposes for which we use them, please see our Cookie Policy.

Course Delegates 

What personal data do we process about you?

If you are a delegate, we process the following information about you:


Why do we process your personal data?

We process your personal data to ensure you are able to attend the course or training programme you have purchased from us and/or participate in qualifications, exams or apprenticeship schemes arranged by us. We process most of your personal data on the grounds of fulfilment of our contract with you. We may also process your personal data on the grounds of our legitimate interests if, for example, you ask questions about the services or products we provide, or on the grounds of our legal obligations including to ensure we comply with regulatory requirements.

Who will receive your personal data?

We only transfer your personal data to the extent we need to. Recipients of your personal data include:

How long will we keep your personal data?

We will retain your personal data for 3 years from the date you complete your certification, training programme or qualification, unless you are an apprentice in which case we will retain your personal data for 6 years from the date your apprenticeship ends. We retain your information for this period in case any issues arise or in case you have any queries. Your information will be kept securely at all times. Following the end of the relevant period, your files and personal data we hold about you will be permanently deleted or destroyed.

Consultants, Tutors and Coaches

What personal data do we process about you?

We process the following information about you:

Why do we process your personal data?

We process your personal data to receive services from you and to provide you with the information and assistance you may need in order for you to provide consultancy, training and coaching services to the businesses and individuals that have purchased them. We process most of your personal data on the grounds of fulfilment of our contract with you. We may also process your personal data on the grounds of our legitimate interests if, for example, you ask questions about the services or products we provide, or on the grounds of our legal obligations including to ensure we comply with regulatory requirements.

Who will receive your personal data?

We only transfer your personal data to the extent we need to. We need to share your bank details with our bank to make payment to you for the services you are providing to us. We may also share your information with our clients but only with your consent.

How long will we keep your personal data?

We will retain your personal data for period for which you continue to be a tutor, coach or consultant for us. Your information will be kept securely at all times. The personal data we hold about you will be permanently deleted or destroyed no later than 7 years after the end of your provision of services to us.

Website Visitors

What personal data do we process about you?

We may collect and process the following data about you:

Information you give us: You may give us information about you by completing enquiry forms on the website or by corresponding with us by phone, email or otherwise. The information you give us may include your name, email address, address / location and phone number. We will retain this information while we are corresponding with you or fulfilling an order you have placed with us.

We process the information on the grounds of fulfilment of contract if you have placed an order with us or our legitimate interests if you have submitted an enquiry or similar. If you have purchased a course from us we will retain your information for 3 years from the date of your course. Any information relating to enquiries will be deleted once they have been actioned / dealt with.

Information we collect about you: We may collect the following information from you when you visit our website:

Please see our cookie policy which sets out details of the purposes for which we retain this information and the relevant retention periods.

Why do we process your personal data?

Use made of the information: We may use the information we receive and/or collect about you to:

We process personal information for certain legitimate business purposes, which include some or all of the following:

If we obtain consent from you to do so, we may provide your personal details to third parties so that they can contact you directly in respect of services and/or products in which you may be interested.

You have the right to withdraw your consent to the processing of your personal data at any time. If you would like to withdraw your consent, or prefer not to receive any of the above-mentioned information (or if you only want to receive certain information) from us please let us know by contacting us via email at Please bear in mind that if you object this may affect our ability to carry out tasks above for your benefit.

Who will receive your personal data?

We only transfer your personal data to the extent we need to including, for example, to third parties that provide e-learning and certification related services to us.


If you wish to have your information removed from our database or if you do not want us to contact you for marketing purposes, please let us know by clicking the “Unsubscribe” option in any email we send to you and providing the details requested and we will take steps to ensure that this information is deleted as soon as reasonably practicable.

We will not share, sell or distribute any of the information you provide to us (other than as set out in this policy) without your prior consent, unless required to do so by law.

How safe is your information?

Protecting your security and privacy is important to us and we make every effort to secure your information and maintain your confidentiality. The website is protected by various levels of security technology, which are designed to protect your information from any unauthorised or unlawful access, processing, accidental loss, destruction and damage.

We don’t transfer your personal data outside of the EEA.

Your rights in respect of your data

You benefit from a number of rights in respect of the personal data we hold about you. We have provided a brief summary of your rights below, and more information is available from the Information Commissioner’s Office website ( These rights apply for the period in which we process your data. There may be exemptions and restrictions affecting each of the rights set out below.

Access to your data

You have the right to ask us to confirm that we process your personal data, as well as access to / copies of your personal data. You can also ask us to provide a range of information, most of which corresponds to the information set out in this privacy policy.

Rectification of your data

If you believe personal data we hold about you is inaccurate or incomplete, you can ask us to rectify that information.

Right to be forgotten

In some circumstances, you have the right to ask us to delete personal data we hold about you

Right to restrict processing

In some circumstances you are entitled to ask us to suppress processing of your personal data. This means we will stop actively processing your personal data but we don’t have to delete it.

Data portability

You have the right to ask us to provide your personal data in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable format so that you are able to transmit the personal data to another data controller.

Right to object

In some circumstances, you are entitled to object to us processing your personal data and ask us to no longer process it.

Your right to complain about our processing

If you think we have processed your personal data unlawfully or that we have not complied with UK GDPR or other applicable data protection and privacy legislation, you can report your concerns to the supervisory authority in your jurisdiction. The supervisory authority in the UK is the Information Commissioner’s Office (“ICO”). You can call the ICO on 0303 123 1113 or get in touch via other means, as set out on the ICO website –

Any questions?

If you have any further queries or comments on our privacy policy, please use our Contact us page or you can contact us by emailing We always welcome your views about our website and our privacy policy.