Challenge – Responsible Sales in Hospitality and Retail

Prepare your staff for the challenge with our Responsible Sales in Hospitality and Retail

Experience the interactivity of our new multi-device, mobile ready e-learning course, Challenge – Responsible Sales in Hospitality and Retail. You’ll get an insight into the types of products that are covered by age restrictions, the legal requirements placed on individuals selling age-restricted products and guidance on operating within the law when selling age-restricted products.

Have you considered the challenge?

This online training course has been developed to give the learner an introduction to age-restricted products and how to prevent the sale of age-restricted products to underage individuals.

The legal framework

Safeguarding the health and wellbeing of young people

Roles, licences and conditions

Have you been trained to sell responsibly?

Risks associated with age-restricted products

Explore why some products are age restricted

Age verification

The practical application of age verification

Dealing with drunkeness

It is an offence to sell alcohol to someone who is or who appears to be drunk

Conflict management and personal safety

Could your premises be vulnerable to conflict and crime?

This online training course is suitable for all employees, particularly new starter inductions or employee refresher where an understanding of age-restricted products is required

                     The ideal course for…
          Extend your knowledge…

New starter induction

Where an understanding of age-restricted products is required

All employees

In a workplace to raise awareness of this subject area

Anyone working in a team

Would benefit from effective communication training

Professionals who work in customer service

Should be equipped with excellent customer service knowledge

This course can be used as a stand-alone module or as part of an induction programme.

A learning experience that will be remembered

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Interactive exercises

Keep your learners and employees engaged with interactive exercises

Written by experts

Content created by our industry and subject experts

Compelling Imagery

Visual references to help learners understand the information

Simple to follow

Course delivered in bite sized chunks to suit all learners


Knowledge checks throughout enable learners to stay on track

Convenient and Online

Get the knowledge you need without losing productivity

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This course is compatible with most popular desktops, tablets and mobile devices



Learn at your own pace anytime using our online platform

30 Minutes

Get up to speed in under 1 hour (average completion time)


Available on a wide range of devices, includes audio, video and transcripts


Multi-Device Compatible

Experience the beauty and interactivity of our new multi-device, mobile ready e-learning. This vertical scrolling, website-style seamlessly adapts to any device, providing an engaging learning experience on mobile, tablet, and computer.

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Vertical Scrolling

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Multi-Device, Mobile Ready

Group and bulk discounts are available on this course, to see what discounts are available please click the contact us button below and send us a message, we will get back to you as soon as possible.

Purchasing Licences

The quickest way to purchase course licences is by purchasing them online by adding them to your cart and making your payment or you can contact us by dropping us a message.

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